miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015

How has the flamenco shawl developed until these days?

The dresses of flamenco or commonly called gipsy dresses have developed a lot during their history. And also it has began a fundamental complement for the dresses. We are referring to the shawl.

The first thing to know is that this cloth has got its origin on the century XVI. Concretely on the year 1575, that was when a numerous group of chinese moved to Manila taking with them all the traditions and habits they had. Between these they found some silk canvases on multiply colours, that were characterized by figures from the flowers to the animals.

This way was born the shawl of Manila that, with the rise of commercial traffic between the spanish colons and the patria country, could arrive to us on the century XVI. Little by little, to this cloth were not only added the fringes but it also converted to an indispensable piece of women clothing on high class. And the times after, on the century XVI was when exactly it was popularized and it extended between the feminine population.

The women used this complement, to protect from the cold and also to look more attractive,  like it can be admired in the pictures of Julio Romero de Torres or in those where are represented the famous Cigarreras of Seville. These, according to some rumours, even used the silk on which came the burdens of tobacco, and then worked to decorate their shawl.

After that passed couple years on those the shawl declined and only was used by some women like those of a gipsy ethnic. From here was when the high class inspired to create the dresses of flamenco, and also opted to give protagonism to the same mentioned textil.

This way, from there this article, that can be bought from the Internet making use for the words “flamenco dresses” on a search, has converted to a imprescindible complement